AKAKUMO Community

Akakumo Kennel is not only about breeding and selling puppies, we also value the community friendship highly. We want to be present throughout our puppy’s life and also provide a platform for all members to communicate and exchange information, knowledge and even their  spare gears. We have our community group chat on Wechat and Instagram. All the AKAKUMO puppy owners are invited to join our AKAKUMO Community.

For the new owners, we will provide hands-holding support to help them start on the new journey. All the experienced owners are together to share their stories, funny videos and feedbacks on various pet products. We are frequently impressed by the depth of knowledge that our community members have grown. We have also learned a lot from them !

Akakumo Kennel will hold numerous activities with our community members annually, to allow the puppies to keep in touch and play with their siblings and kennel friends.