Shiba Inu has four coat colours: Red, Black, Saseme and White. Red coating accounts for 80% of Shiba inu population. Black is about 10%, white is 7%, and saseme is only about 3% The bristles of the Shiba Inu have lightest colour at the roots of the hair near the skin, then becomes darker shades in the middle. The ends…
A breed standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament, and appearance of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function with soundness essential. Breeders and judges should at all times be mindful of features which could be detrimental in any way to the health, welfare or soundness of this breed. HEAD The head should…
The Pembroke is a bright, sensitive dog who enjoys play with his human family and responds well to training. As herders bred to move cattle, they are fearless and independent. They are vigilant watchdogs, with acute senses and a “big dog” bark. Families who can meet their bold but kindly Pembroke’s need for activity and togetherness will never have a…
Spa, massage and facial – Corgis take it all. Give your pups regular wash, cut and vet check
Keep your pup safe from medical emergencies by regular check-ups with your local vet.
Who let the dogs out? Let everyone in the area know how awesome it is to walk a Corgi!
Fitness is not for Corgi, so please do not them get lazy right away! Exercise and play!
Fitness is not for Corgi, so please do not them get lazy right away! Exercise and play!
Who let the dogs out? Let everyone in the area know how awesome it is to walk a Corgi!
Some Corgis take a lot of space. Some like it minimal. Get ready for the worst with Corgi!